Nondual Supervision—Sharing Pure Awareness

nondual wisdom

In nondual supervision, I draw on my 30+ years facilitating and writing about the transmission of nondual awareness. I bring 20+ years of experience training therapists and meditation teachers in nondual work.

In nondual supervision, I expect clients to have access to nondual awareness, even though this may be overlaid at times by ideas and interpretations. Your interest in being supervised will be based on a sense that what you do presently has reached a threshold. You might see that more space is opening up in your therapy or meditation sessions, and you’re not sure what to do in this.

I will teach you how to move in this space with elegance and confidence. You’ll discover how to open to infinity in the intimate setting of a session with a client, or guiding a group in mindfulness meditation.

As your supervisor, I will teach you how to offer the recognition of nondual awareness so that you can allow this to emerge with your students and clients with some level of precision and reliability. You will explore how nonduality is an absence, or non-thing. You’ll learn how to talk from the nondual space so that when your students hear you they will join you in this in a sphere of selflessness.

You’ll learn how to gently dismantle fixed ideas, and how to create a tranquil atmosphere by giving students nothing to think about. You’ll become sensitive to when your clients are entering a space of inner stillness, and know how to let this evolve as far as it can. You’ll become comfortable letting the bottom fall out of a conversation.

At the beginning, I’ll ask you to orient me in terms of what you already do and what you’d like to open up. Further into our sessions, I may ask you to demonstrate to me different aspects of your contemplative sharing. I will then show you how to move this into a nondual transmission, or refine your transmission so that it’s more precise and stable.

Our work together is thoroughly experiential. We use words and concepts to go beyond the judging mind. Our conversations are shaped by very precise contemplative approaches that nondual masters have discovered over the centuries.

Often clients discover that new professional opportunities become possible as they develop and a more robust and sensitive presencing of awareness.